For every movement, driven by ‘finance’ and commerce – there is a counter argument.
In 2021 two old friends, formerly directors of the long-established family wine firm of Deinhard – one in London: David Pinchard, one in Koblenz: Dr. Enno Lippold – were discussing again what was happening in the market for German Rieslings. Every year an “infanticide” of this unique cool climate style was happening, always being released and sold “too early, far too young”.
Of course, vintners need to clear their cellars for harvests to come. But, when sold too “green” these wines tend to be too acidic, aggressive and unbalanced.
With time in the bottle these German grown Rieslings can become uniquely harmonious and sublime like no other white wine in the world; showing its origin and authenticity. The inherent acidity and minerality of the Riesling grape lends the wines a remarkable structure and longevity, especially from old vines. With time progressing these wines go through different phases.
But all this almost human like metamorphosis remains hidden and undiscovered if these potential beauties are not allowed to blossom and mature, becoming masterpieces just by time.
Although the current Zeitgeist is not in favour – it´s certainly worthwhile to discover and enjoy the rewards of patience all great wines will offer.

No great wine reaches its glory young